Varicose veins: symptoms, causes and treatment

Varicose veins, in which the symptoms occur every fourth inhabitant of the planet - it's not just a cosmetic defect, which in the form of blue fruit lattice shins, hips or back stop, heaviness in the legs, pains, if the static loads or long-term walking, convulsive twitching in the muscles of the shins, but the high risk of thrombosis in the system of the bottom hollow vein.

varicose veins

Thrombotic complications lead to trophic ulcers on the legs, acute disorders of blood flow with the blue limb and risk their mortification. Breaking away from the walls of blood vessels, a blood clot in the legs often start on a journey, which stops the heart (which leads to heart attack) or the brain blood vessels (the cause of stroke). This fact is, and not at all spoiled by the view of the ever attractive feet requires maximum attention to early treatment (and best prevention) varicose veins.

As the illness, it seemed, is not static, but gradually advancing, grabbing all of the new pieces of the outside or inside of the venous network of the legs, then the parsing of the treatment is worth to start a description of the prevention. Just a sensible preventative measures allow although it would be somewhat delayed process, developed against the background of inherited insolvency of the valve apparatus of the lower extremities veins.

Prevention of varicose veins

The lower extremities of the veins is very weak to the wall, almost lost in the muscle elements, which could push the blood, reducing. As the veins are provided with special valves which prevent the reverse flow of blood and stop the veins. Is part of people, these valves are genetically unjust or will become of such an age:

  • if heavy physical load
  • campaigns abdominal pressure
  • constipation
  • frequent pregnancy test.

First of all, the process affects the outside the vein. And it affects to collect in the vein and the deep venous blood samples of the network. Varicose veins ven limbs have developed several (sometimes dozens) years and this rate varies depending on the lifestyle-intensity physical activity and strength of the vascular walls.

  • Therefore, the first task of the prevention – to reduce the increase of abdominal pressure (to combat constipation, prevent excessive congestion).
  • The second task is to create conditions, that the passive outflow of venous blood in the legs. We do this to determine the end of the day, or several times a day. To this end, the feet are stacked from the foot to the thigh on the surface at an angle 45 degrees horizontally. Lying down position should be at least half an hour. Persons who have varicose veins on the legs – met medical fact, it is recommended to sleep with the lifted feet as often as possible.
  • It is recommended when the varicose veins do not use narrow shoes, socks tension on the rubber band – i.e. does not create additional obstacles in the blood circulation in the legs.
  • The same should not sit on the leg over the foot and long-term sitting position, put feet of support and to give them a horizontal (or slightly higher) position. Such a posture sometimes can be seen in the gangster movies pro the coolest mafia, who sits in a chair, fill in the feet on the table.
  • Of course, in the office if You are not the owner of the company, must think of something, at least challenged. It is possible, for example, lay down of desktop cardboard box and put the feet in or used for the same purpose, high plastic basket securities to the flat top of the lid. Issues unusual way of sitting at your desk to be honestly answer, in order to avoid ridicule and don't stamp on the crank. It should be remembered that none of the employees do not take active participation in your treatment. Therefore, it must be adequately perceive the opinion of the surrounding and not to forget the prevention of disease.
  • If you're at home, whenever taken horizontally and put a few air bags, feet over head. This is necessary in order to improve the conditions of the venous drainage.

Conservative treatment

Program non-surgical treatment of add diet, compression and drug addiction treatment.


Food activities are mandatory, because of the predominance – it is one of the risk factors for development of varicose veins. Food must be compensated by (consumed energy should not exceed energy needs, correlated with the nature of loads or their absence). Furthermore, the menu should be excluded from sharp spices, pepper, hapukurk, excessive salt, smoked, reduce alcohol, roasted. Also alcohol is recommended not to consume.

The menu should be a sufficient amount of fruits and vegetables, which are rich in vitamin C, the dishes, the rich, the bread of the meal, seafood. Shown in sage (not less frequently than 4 times a day) fractional catering. As far as the vogue for a number of years ago, the trend to limit yourself in all animal fats, it is worth to forget. Of course, the outrageous numbers of triglycerides and cholesterol – it is not so. However, a reasonable quantity of cholesterol will help to mend the blood vessel wall, thereby reducing the risk of secondary thrombotic complications and sudden ruptures in the veins.

Surrender smoking

Smoking - the most harmful habit than varicose veins. If you choose to use moderate quantities of alcohol and smoking, then the first thing you can still sin with a half put. And here is the second head are categorically excluded. Not only is tar clog blood vessels, increasing the risk of thrombotic events and secondary complications (heart attack, stroke, thromboembolism of lung arteries). In particular it pays to be careful for those who have varicose veins (or predisposition to), take hormonal medications and still succeed to give up.

Packing linen (stockings, socks, pantyhose)

This is a good way to prevention and treatment at an early stage. varicose veins, as are a variety of ways to put pressure on the soft tissues of the chances of models and color schemes. Wear underwear need in the morning on rising in bed, until venous blood sampling system is not yet a full clog. This method is one of the but – unheard-of price tags in RUSSIAN, limiting the acquisition of the work against varicose veins extensive the masses. Usually enjoy the laundry will not those to whom it still may help stage up to the disease, and persons with heavy forms of varicose veins, often the complexity of certain processes, which is shown in the already operative treatment, and packing piece are of secondary prophylaxis.

Varicose veins: treatment medications

Drugs – is not a panacea. Completely stop or cure varicose veins they are unable to.

Ointments and gels

These resources will not protect the walls of the veins promotes venous outflow, and several improve the microcirculation. These tools are affordable to the severity of the reduce the pain and swelling of the condition of the course to be adopted. Shows the course of the two times of the year when the duration of not less than 2 months.

The most useless (but safe) you can read ointment or gel. They do not penetrate deeper into the skin skin and how much anyone stand in the operations of the blood vessels cannot be. Their recommend in the early stage the disease is, if it is not known, so it may actually go puffiness and heaviness in the legs: preparations or just postural drainage and the end of the physical load.

treatment of varicose veins

Such therapy includes the introduction of medications or elastic bandaging. Its simple, save a aesthetic type of limb absence affects the overall feel of the patients interested in this method of how doctors and patients.

But isolated, sclerotherapy does not bring permanent results and can stop disease progression. In most cases it is still necessary to combine the operational treatment. Before the treatment in the statutory procedure must be carried out in an ultrasound study of the lower extremities with the exception of long lesions in the subcutaneous or deep leg veins.

Contraindications this programme has changed: allergy medications, atherosclerosis of the trunk blood vessels of the occurrence of ischemia, diabetic thoracic aorta, deletion of endarteritis lesions coagulation of the blood circulation, acute or recent thrombophlebitis of the legs, pregnancy.

The options for treatment

  • Before surgery - sclerotherapy of veins may be used before surgery to reduce the risk of bleeding and thrombosis is a postoperative term
  • during the operation, replacing vein stripping
  • after the operation of closing the rest of the veins.

Method punctures

If this is not the operating system, will be carried through specialty surgical office, in compliance with all rules aseptically. First closes the larger vein, then smaller. In doing so, the drugs usually are introduced from the top down. Vienna punctured at the stand of the patient and before the introduction of the medicinal product it is placed. If the field of interest into the expanded vessel or vessels to the entire circumference of the feet, then held several sessions of treatment. After the sclerosing procedure, the patient must submit either a phlebologist three years after the last injection.

  • After the drug administration takes place by elastic bandaging limbs, which frequently are already in 2 weeks. In doing so, the first week the dressing is the key.
  • Half an hour after the procedure, the patient must go.
  • Every day is the patient need to sleep with elevated foot with the end of, and during the day to avoid long seating or population and a lot of walk.

Varicose veins: surgery

A decision on whether the rapid intervention takes doctor or a vascular surgeon.

Often women who are losing superficial veins and did not dare to have operative intervention solely a cosmetic defect, offer to delay surgery, if you want to later birth (as in pregnancy varicose veins, usually progresses and the achieved result may be lost and require re-surgical treatment).

Combined phlebectomy

The most common variant of the rapid solution to the problem of varicose veins of the lower extremities is combined with phlebectomy. The surgery is performed under general anesthesia, or using epidural anesthesia. All of the incisions and punctures are trying to do the best possible to smaller dimensions. For example, to delete a large subcutaneous vein is made (in the groin area. Through the vein entered the probe tip. Then move to the kontaktanduri is extracted and deleted from the way to medium part of the leg up to the groin. Through the small channels are removed from the channels and small veins. After the operation is used in compression (bandage or storage of the leg).


This means deleting the subcutaneous veins through contact with them the flow. The method is more dangerous, if the radio frequency destruction or classic surgery.


Cryosurgery allows to delete a vein through the low temperatures. If today's hardware method is safe. Can't always count on the depth of the cold, without damaging the surrounding tissues or not leaving a "surplus".

Home treatment of varicose veins

Varicose veins can be treated at home, although systemic preparations (prescription), although ointments and gel, although the leeches (the treatment of varicose veins of leeches) and kapsalehe of, apple cider vinegar. Also home part of the program suitable for the packing of linen and elastic bandaging (selected and recommended doctor). That work if they diseases all of these efforts are futile without radical operative treatment.

So, today a cardinal method to get rid of varicose veins can be admitted only to the surgical methods often combine multiple treatment or packaging methods.